Power amp for Reference 3A speakers?

Hi, I bougth a pair of Reference 3A MM DeCapo-i speakers, and I want to know if somebody can tell me about a good power amp or mono blocks to hear the best about these speakers. Thanks!
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Not knowing your budget, I agree with Saki70's recommendation. By all accounts it is a fine amp and they tend to be easy to re-sell if you don't love it.
I drove my De Capos with Quicksilver Mini Mite Monos for several years. Sounded great. The Mini Mites can typically be found used for around $650/pr.
I hear jazz, classic and rock. My budget between 2000 and 3000 dollars. Thanks for your answears.
First find foam/felt surrounds for the tweeters as they tend to splash. Next bi-wire. Clear Day Solid Core Speaker Cable- silver shotgun. Finally get rigid stands and Herbies BFDs to couple

Check out Wyred4Sound smallest stereo amp, or a PS Audio amp modified by Cullen Circuits