Power amp for Reference 3A speakers?

Hi, I bougth a pair of Reference 3A MM DeCapo-i speakers, and I want to know if somebody can tell me about a good power amp or mono blocks to hear the best about these speakers. Thanks!
I drove my De Capos with Quicksilver Mini Mite Monos for several years. Sounded great. The Mini Mites can typically be found used for around $650/pr.
I hear jazz, classic and rock. My budget between 2000 and 3000 dollars. Thanks for your answears.
First find foam/felt surrounds for the tweeters as they tend to splash. Next bi-wire. Clear Day Solid Core Speaker Cable- silver shotgun. Finally get rigid stands and Herbies BFDs to couple

Check out Wyred4Sound smallest stereo amp, or a PS Audio amp modified by Cullen Circuits
There is a Pass labs Aleph 5 on the GON right now for 1400.00 and a Pass labs Aleph 3 for 1000.00 I would suggest either one with your De Cappo's
Also Antique Sound Labs 845 tube amp.
Our customers have always reported good results with the Ref 3As. They are very tube friendly- you won't have any trouble finding a good amp for them.