Power amp for Reference 3A speakers?

Hi, I bougth a pair of Reference 3A MM DeCapo-i speakers, and I want to know if somebody can tell me about a good power amp or mono blocks to hear the best about these speakers. Thanks!
I have a vtl 5.5 pre and a st 85 vtl amp, it replaced bryston .5 pre&4b amp .What a difference, lots of base, sweet highs and every thing in between.I bought the amp for $1000 used.
I'm using an Anthem Amp 1 (40 watts EL34 tubes) and Anthem Pre 2L. They sound great and I have lots of headroom on the power (I never get past 10 o'clock on my preamp volume. Good bass, great mids and highs.
I auditioned the Ref3a's a few years ago and they sounded great being powered by a Shindo amp and preamp. I don't recall which model's the Shindo were, but they were really good.
does anyone have an opinion about Rogue Audio Cronus driving Reference 3a DeCapos?
I had those monitors for years powered by a simply gorgeous LSA Statement integrated (hybrid tube pre- and ss output). Loved them.

You may want to ask @Rebbi for his advice. He had de Capos for years and tried a variety of amps with them.