Best multichannel amp for music?

I got a Theta Dreadnaught-2 which doesn't fully satisfy me. It has notably better mids and highs than the older Bryston I replaced (nrb series), and I like the character of the sound a lot better, but the bass is kinda weak and boomy in comparison and it doesn't localise as well as the Bryston. Are there any multi-channel amps that would have the strengths of both? I'd like to stay around 2500 used. Theta front end, Snell C/V speakers. Thanks. -Dave
Look into the NuForce MCH 3SEC7. Best multi-channel I've ever encountered. In fact, this unit replaced my Bel Canto Ref 1K for stereo and double-duty for HT as well. This unit is based on the same innards as their highly touted Ref 9SE V2, and for the same price you get 7-channels! This gives the best bass I've ever heard at home and beyond all expectation. Now this is just the beginning--the rest of the frequency range along with the vast and 3D soundstage will leave you breathless. Transparency and resolution are top notch.

One caveat--upstream equipments become critical as well as matching cables--no lean electronics or cables will do for this amp. A little bit of warmth will bring the best out of this amp.

Good luck,

Jrwr7 - I would not dispute that Theta makes great stuff, and may be the best stuff in my system. I have a Theta transport and DAC (Carmen and IIIa), and they blew away anything else I tried when I was auditioning CD players. However, something doesn't quite add up. The Dread just doesn't have as good bass or imaging as the Bryston. If that's not an amp/speaker mismatch, then the Dread just isn't as good at those things as the Bryston, and I want to address that before upgrading the preamp or speakers. If I am being thick and missing something, please advise.

Nuforce has now been recommended twice on this thread. Has anyone had any direct experience with Nuforce products and either Snell speakers or a Theta front end? Thanks. -Dave
I think you should check out rotel,b&k, and odyssey; I have had m200's from b&k and odyssey's mono extreme se's; they were excellant products;the Odyssey's have a 20 yr transferrable warranty to the second owner also!
Never heard Odyssey. However, I've heard lots of Rotel and some B&K, and to my ears, neither comes close to either Bryston or Theta. Anyone else? There have been some great responses so far, please keep them coming! -Dave
Do I understand you correctly that what I've got is a bad amp/speaker match?

Yes - your bass needs a Bryston style amp (more punch and control) but you prefer a warmer sounding amp for the midrange. You might try putting a sock in the speaker port (rear) and see how that sounds - it will increase the damping at LF (below the port tuning) then use tone controls to bring the bass down a few db - it may just give you that punch you are missing.