Need your assiatnce - tube preamp recommendations

I am running a Marantz SA 11S1 cd player directly into a McIntosh MC275 IV to Epos speakers. Salk Sound Towers are on order and should arrive in a couple of weeks. The power cords, interconnects, and cables are all Signal. The room is 12x15 with hardwood floors but fairly quiet otherwise. Music is primarily rock, vocals, and classical.

The Marantz and Mac are both keepers, but, even with filters on, the system needs some help. I love the sound overall, but there is some "raspiness" and sibilance (?). No doubt I should wait for the Sound Towers but wanted to look for the preamp now.

The budget is about $2000, but I would be happy to spend less that. Have considered a Juicy Music Blueberry or Peach (do not need phono) and a used Macintosh C220 or Dodd but would like to hear what you guys recommend. Thanks
You might want to look at the deHavilland Ultraverve or the Mercury. I have the Ultraverve and it is excellent (a 6sn7 based preamp).
I couldn't agree more with Jhold. In fact..I DARE ;-) you to pick up a CJ from the PV-5,8,10 or 11 and 12A, and see if you dont think it beats a host of these newer hi-dollar clinical sounding pre amps out today..
Keep your old CJ's and buy a new Juicy Music Audio Peach.
A true giant killer.
Beautiful clear non-clinical tube sound.
I really appreciate all the thoughtful ideas - this is going to take longer than planned! Have to admit I never even considered the C-J stuff, and the thought of saving $1000 is attractive. That's enough for the nice tuner I want...

For what it is worth, the system as is sounds absolutely phenomenal with an SACD. Smooth, dynamic, rich, musical, whatever - pretty much like a great phono source. Too bad I have about a 25:1 ratio of CDs to SACDs....