Bi-amping question

Well after reading numerous articles on bi-amping, I still haven't figured this out. I have a pr of Totem Sttafs I'm running with a 15wpc tube amp. It would probably be better with more power and was thinking of adding an old Yamaha 50wpc receiver or even an old Realistic 25wpc receiver, with the tubes running the highs and the receiver running the bass. Some articles make this sound like a useable thing, others insist the amps have to be identical or damage can occur. Anyone have any practicle advise a neophyte could understand. I don't want to just try it and then have to replace damaged speakers. Thanks
One thing no mentioned is that if you put in two identical amps,say 100 Watts you end up with sum of 150 (150%)watts not double as many folks think.Given all that has been said I go passive with same amps and not use crossover I keep telling buddy with Maggie 3.6 and a Bryston 4 BST I got him to get another and their 10Bsub x-over.He could use nice fast sub like multiple driver REL,Vandersteen 2WQ,and Martin Logan as they are fast and blend best with music and are more pitch accurate because of it.But your speakers,their,price,quality etc would have me get same amps and not add even good Bryston or tube Marchand.
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