Best way to aktively drive Linn Ninkas

Hello all. I have a pair of Linn Ninkas driven by a Rotel integrated amp. I plan to upgrade to seperate preamp and amps and would like to aktively drive them with Linn amps.

There are lots of ways to go and I'm looking for some advice. I probably will only use 4 channels vs 6 channels for budget reasons. So I could buy 2 LK85/100/140s for around 800 used. Does anyone have any feedback on the performance of these 3 amps? I'm more concerned with sound quality comparison as they are all probably powerful enough.

The next idea is a 5125 using 4 channels and leaving the fifth for a possible future move to multi-channel listening. I've seen these around for about 1200.

Or, maybe 2 2250s. I'm not sure what these go for or how they compare to 5125s. I tend to think that the 5125 and 2250 are much newer than the LKs and must be more modern and sound better.

Lastly, I could by a new Chakra 4 channel amp. This is by far the most expensinve, but probably also the best amp.

I will probably try to find a late Kairn for the preamp. Overall amp budget is 2000 max. After finding the amps I'll look for the cards to match.

Thanks in advance!
You'll get a variety of answers as to which is best, as you see from the other posts.

I wanted to add a couple of points not mentioned above.

The Chakra amps will use a different active card than the others. It won't fit in the other amps, and the cards for the other amps won't fit in the Chakra amps. So make sure you get the right card for the amp you purchase. It will also be a little bit more expensive since it's a newer version. The cards come up for sale fairly regularly, although not every day, so you should find some without too much trouble.

The LK 140 is better than the other LKs because it has more power. However, when you go active, you don't need as powerful an amp because all the power is going to only one driver in the speaker, bypassing the crossover. The crossover is where you lose most of the power. Switching from passive to active with the same amp is like having an amp upgrade as well as a speaker upgrade! The less expensive LK 85 would do quite nicely.

I've had LK 85s, LK 100s and 5125s. I like the 5125. I think that the switching power supply makes it that much more efficient. My preference, maybe not somebody else's.

Although the Klout is a superior amp (I believe Ivor Tiefunbrun himself had Klouts in his personal system until recently), I think that given the cost, even of a used Klout, I would just save my money for a Chakra.

If you want the best bang for the buck, go for an LK 85 if used actively, LK 140 if used passively, or a 5125 for either active or passive use but you want to have that fifth channel for the future. If cost is not a problem, then get a Chakra.
Unfortunately cost is a constraint. I don't think I can afford Chakra amps, although I did see one recently used for 2K.

The reason I was leaning toward a 5125 is that you can buy one for about the same price as a pair of LK140s. Of course with the two channel amps you can buy one at a time.

I will tackle the cards after settling on the amps. I know the different series have different cards.

As for Preamps, I am thinking about a Kairn. I'm wondering though about the new Majik preamp and whether it's worth going for a new preamp, older amps for now, or just go with the Kairn. There is a used Majik out there for about 2500. Any thoughts?
In response to Markphd, I would like to say that the new cards can be used with the old LK amp but is needed an adaptor that Linn supply for free with the purchase of the new cards if requested.
I too prefer the 5125 sound to the LK.
I also have a pair of Ninkas and I did here them with the new Majik-I charkra, the results were very good even in passive mode. My plan is to get both the Majik-I and a majik 4100 with the aktiv cards to go aktiv. I do have one question for anyone who has done it worth it to tri-amp Linn speakers? It seems overkill to me.