Amp for Verity Audio Sarastro

Hello my friends!

Recently I acquired the Verity Audio Sarastro and although I'm very happy with my amps concerning most of their attributes I would like more power. Actually I would like a lot more power. My amps, Mcintosh MC2102 and C2200 although they are very good with 60% of the music I'm listening they lack what is needed to perform rock music at realistic SPL's. My speakers are 93 db. So I suppose 200-300W would be more than enough. On the other hand I like the natural timbre my amps produce!

So my question is: What amp do you suggest that can drive my speakers to the limits even with music like Metallica with a sweet midrange? I would like to hear the kick drum as a kick drum but not lose the immediacy the valves produce... Am I asking too much?Lets say my budget is around 20.000 $ (so LAMM hybrids are excluded, hehehe). Opinions from people who have heard Verity Audio speakers with different amps would be highly appreciated.

Thanks a lot for your answers.


I would try the Art Audio monoblocks quartet,these amps
did not have a problem running the Andra I Eggleston at
all,Call Joe Fratus at art audio,He might be able to help you,I think He is using the Verity speakers to voice his amps,The quartet did sound unbelievable to my friend house.
I hope this will help you...
One of my friends own Verity Ovation and he drives them with -4- Nagra VPA monos. Very nice.
I did listen to their biggest speakers, Lohengrin, with -4- Nagra VPA's, interesting match. They work well with those.
Michael -- by "expensive" I mean +10k. Coming to think of it, it's still within yr budget!

To be frank, Krell didn't really do it for me either. Please note that the spkrs' owner is an amateur of classical music, so he wants both harmonics and aggressive dynamics. Others may like the Krell/Lohengrin combo (Lohengrin's the spkr I listened to).

c) Atma 60 watters. Amazingly, a very good choice if low on output power -- only for quiet listening.

well come over to listen to my M60's partnered with Lohengrin. they get to earbleeding levels my friend.
loud listening gives a reading of a couple watts on the VU meter.
"only for quiet listening" ??
Nagra and Verity superb match too.

cheers tuboo
Tuboo thanks a lot for your answer!

Unfortunately I cannot come for a listen as I am from Greece...;)

The atmasphere may be satisfying but dont forget that the Lohengrin is 96 db as opposed to the Sarastro which is 93 db. A headroom is also important in the amp your using. You should not stress it too much and some additional wattage is always welcome. Are you talking about the OTL amps?

I finally settled to the Gryphon Diablo integrated, and I can say that I am more than satisfied with the results.

Thanks everyone for your input.

Greetings from sunny Greece,
