If you had 10k to spend on tube amp?????

What company's products should I be looking at?
Maybe I would by a nice tube pre amp. but I try to stay far away from tube power amps.
So maybe a Nagra PL-P
I would definitely go for Art Audio Quartet monoblocks.
They drive my friend Andra Eggleston,without any problem
at all.They are so musical,they posses 3D layering,and
the vocal makes you feel, the performer is in the
Audio Research Tube Mono Blocs such as the VTM 200 or
the VM 220's would be a phenomenal match with the Vandersteen 5's. I've heard that combo a number of times...
exquisite! well within your budget (used) as well.

As an added bonus, they'll also do a great job with your Martin Logans as you prepare to do the speaker upgrade.