Von Schweikert VR-4.5 amp recommendations?

I'm currently using a DJH AE-3 preamp with a VTL ST-85 amp, bi-wired to the VS spkrs. Looking for more speed and cleaner bass and mid-bass. VTL amp in this set-up is a little too loose. Thinking about going solid state, maybe McCormack, Mark Levinson, Threshold S300, Ayre V-3, Spectron Musician II, CIA, Classe, Nak PA5. Even though these speakers have good efficiency they seem to require a lot of power to come alive. I would guess high damping to be a priority. My price range is up to $1,800 max, but would prefer staying around $1,500. Used is ok. What have you tried or heard?
In that price range I have been extremely happy with Bel Canto M-300s for my VR-4JRs. Or the IA version S-300. Plenty of power, clean deep bass, smooth highs. Sometimes available used. I bought mine from A-gon seller Walter at Underwood Hi Fi and have always been very pleased with his service (no affiliation).
I have the VR4.5's and have only tried a few amps - namely Simaudio W5, Parasound JC-1 and Aragon Palladium 1K. Surprisingly, I preferred the W5's by a VERY small margin. As for bass/midbass speed and clarity - all these amps had it in spades! You would think those monster monoblocks would stomp the W5, but no. The W5 just seemed a little less colored in it's sound. I think some people might call the W5 a touch dry sounding, I call it accurate and clean.
Also surprsingly, I preferred the 1K to the JC-1. The JC-1 seemed a little more harsh sounding in the mid/upper registers.
I've tried very few amps in my home because, quite frankly, I have been very satisfied with the sound.

All you choices are very strong. The only one I might give some pause to is the Mark Levinson. I thought about getting one a number of times but the reviews of their "dry" sound scared me off for the 4.5's.

Years ago, I did have a McCormack DNA-1 Deluxe in a different system and that amp was really nice sounding too. Unfortunately, and apparently NOT typical, I had reliability issues and subsequently sold it. Unfortunately, their newer offerings are a little pricey or else I might try them again...
I went through this same situation about three months ago. I called and spoke with Albert Von Schweikert and he recommended a tube integrated to me. I came from a class A SS amp and thought I wanted to stay with SS. I could not be more satisfied. This is my first tube amp, although I have had several tube preamps. By the way, Albert told me he voiced the VR4.5 with Spectron Musician amps. Good luck.
