Parasound Halo A21 or Rotel RB-1090?

I am looking for a power amp for a secondary system that I am setting up in my basement.
I have decided on two amps, either the Parasound Halo A21 or the Rotel RB-1090.
I know the 1090 has more power, but I am looking for the best overall sound between the two.
Has anyone ever owned both of these amps or compared them?
If so, what are the differences in their sound?
Which is overall superior sound-wise?
Please give me a detailed description of the differences between the two.
Thanks guys.
I owned the Rotel 1090. My local Parasound dealer was kind enough to allow me to bring in the Rotel to compare it with the A21. WOW! I was amazed how good the Parasound was. It was much more open,warmer,and had more detail. Short after the audition I sold the Rotel and bought the A21. I strongly recommend Parasound over the Rotel...but this is only my opinion. Any other questions feel free to ask.Good Luck, Matt.
I still own both.

Rotel RB-1090: In my experience somewhat more sober, more neutral sounding amp than Halo - nothing to add nothing to subtract... Powerfull to drive almost anything (according to Stereophile measurments, 380/700Wpc on 8/4 ohms, pumpimg not less than 2825W on 1 ohm..!!!). Two 1,2kVA transformers, 44000 microF filter capacitance per channel. True powerhouse...!!! Paired with Rotel RC-1090, drives Dynaudio Confidence C1 at the moment.

Parasound Halo A21: more euphonic amp, with somewhat "fat" mosfet-like mids and slightly longer "sustain" in highs. Perhaps a bit less density and compression throughout the soundstage. For a whisker, more musical amp, in my opinion... Tech: only one 1,2kVA transformer, 50000 microF filter capacitance per channel. Paired with primare PRE30 preamp, drives B&W 803S.

Two excellent power amps. Congratulations, whatever you choose!
The Rotel RC1090 is a dream amp of mine. It has one of the lowest distortion numbers of any amp available at any price. I think there have been 3 versions of the RC1090 some better then others which one to buy I don't know. if you don't like the way your set sounds with a RC1090 don't blame the amp. It is neutral to the extereme. Many amps add their own colour to the sound, we often like this kind of distortion, makes the music sound warmer or whatever audiofiel term you would like to use. I to like this but I believe this should come from the pre amp or speakers.

The power should be just that. Sure there are better amps out there then the RC1090. I have a RC1070 now and hoping one day I can afford the RC1090.

Sorry for the rant of mine.
Hey Zormi,
So if you had to give up one of these amps, which would you sell and which would you keep, based on absolute sound quality and accuracy, and not sheer power?
I owned the Rotel and the Parasound HCA-3500 at the same time. I liked the Parasound alot more, more dynamic, much better bass. In comparison the Rotel had a veiled sound. Sold the Rotel. i have heard the A21 (thought it was nice)but not in my system, or side by side with the others. If I had to pick one of the three it would be the HCA-3500.