New Production EL34 / 6CA7

I'm looking for recommendations on new production EL84's. Plan to use them in a vintage Dynakit ST70 that I am currently restoring.

Any suggestions will be appreciated.

Another vote for the SED Winged C EL34's. They compare very well in my system with the more expensive NOS EL34's I have.
I've been using Mullard EL34s in a Ming DA integrated for the last several months. They came highly recommended from Kevin Deal @ Upscale Audio. I would have to agree with his evaluation........ Excellent sounding tubes and leave nothing to be desired in an EL34.
I also like the SED "Winged C" EL-34s. I've used them in Dynas and Marantzes, and (in these circuits) they have the lowest measured distortion (3rd H) as compared to Electro-Harmonix, Teslovak, Sovtek & Reflektor variants. They've also been very consistent and durable.
Thanks Guys,

Looks like a consensus is forming in favor of the Winged C's. I'll give them a try.