seeking preamp suggestions for Lamm M1.2 amps

just got the amps and although they work great with my Cary SLP-005 pre - the Cary has too much gain I feel. I can only use the volume from off(7AM) to about 9:30-10AM and then it becomes to loud. The Cary feeds an Innersound crossover/amp that can attenuate the Cary's output but it doesn't sound as good using both volume controls (expecially the Innersound attenuating the volume say down to 50 or so out of 99). My only source is an Audiologic 34MXL being fed by a modified Squeezebox. Any suggestions? I was thinking maybe the Lamm L2 Ref. but its a little pricey even used. Any low output/low gain units come to mind? I've tried passives/TVC before in other systems and don't care for them. I like a good active pre/linestage.
