Is there a killer preamp for 1500?

I'm looking for the best preamp I can get for $1500 or less. I like tubes, but will consider SS if there's a compelling reason. I've been using passive preamps for the past year and really appreciate their transparency, openness and silence. I'm looking for similar qualities in your recommendation.

More than likely, I'll be buying used. Phono stage is unnecessary. Remote volume would be nice, but it's not a deal breaker. Amps are Antique Sound Lab AQ1008. Input impedance 100k. Input sensitivity 1v. Speakers are Alon Model V.

Any thoughts on the usual suspects?

AI Mod3A
Rogue 99
VTL 5.5

Thanks for your help!
I've bought two 100 WPC monoblock Push-pull amps, a 25 WPC SEP amp and a preamp from Lamphear Electronics, Rome, NY, during the first six months of 2008. I couldn't be happier.

The guy is unreal about making the best possible product for the money. He's a perfectionist. My preamp (below) has enough juice to run 20 amps and it will put any Conrad Johnson product to shame. If you want something truly special, try Blair Lamphear and you'll never regret it.

The LE-PREAMP#1 Is the flagship and has the following features:
A) 600 Ohm Output
B) 1+ Watts of output power
C) Transformer coupled output
D) 6SN7 Driver and EL84 or 6V6 output stage
Competition Class: $5,000 and above
Promotion Price: $875.00 if you can still get it

You can tell from the basic spec's it's not your average preamp and will severely outperform most anything on the market. It will be able to drive any load to it's full potential without even trying. It will be 100% hand made and wired.

Regards, Hume
Guido, I just finished reading your Capri forum. Thanks for pointing it out. Very interesting. Unfortunately, the units on Agon right now are out of my price range, but I'm not in a hurry, so I'll keep it on my radar.

Any thoughts on the Audio Note L2 and L3 kits?
Bnrlaw, I forgot about Juicy Music. Thanks for that reminder. I know they make good products. How does the Peach compare to units in the 1500 price range?

Hume, I can't seem to find the LE-PREAMP. Can you point me to a link?