I want to thank everyone for the suggestions. I have to admit, it's a bit overwhelming.
The more I read, the deeper the pool gets.
I should have done a better job defining the sound I'm looking for. I own two very good
passive preamps: Bent TVC with S&B trannies and silver wire; and Sonic Euphoria with
autoformers. I love the transparency, detail and spaciousness they offer, but I feel they're
missing some mid-bass presence. I discovered this recently while AB'ing the Bent against
a Modulus 3A. The Bent had a little more air, but it was thinner in the mid bass. We
played the same material back to back and switched preamps. There may have been an
impedance mismatch between the TVC and my friend's Bedini amp, but we both agreed
the Modulus had a fuller, richer sound.
Without getting sidetracked on the differences between passives and actives, I want to
make it clear that I'm looking for an active. I want to try something different than what I
have. I want it to be dead quiet and spacious like the TVC, but I want it to be lush as
well. Am I asking for too much at this price point? I'm not looking for an overly euphonic
sound, but I like a little color without bloat or mush. Analytical and neutral preamps are
out of the question.
After sifting through the forums and reading reviews, I've ruled out the Modwright and
the Rogue.
The Cary SLP-98 interests me quite a bit. Everyone seems to like it for its warmth, which
is exactly what I'm after.
Conrad Johnson also interests me, but I don't know which models to focus on.
Jeff Rowland Capri gets glowing reviews, but it's out of my price range.
Audible Illusions Mod3A is an obvious contender, but I'm concerned about the noise I
heard in our listening session. It may have been the tubes or the power conditioner or
any number of fixable things, but the Modulus does have a reputation for noisy switches
and volume controls.
Joule Electra LA-100 Mk3 is also a contender, but finding one in my price range will
require some patience.
PrimaLuna ProLogue, Juicy Music Peach, Audio Mirror, EE Minimax are all very well
respected with loyal owners that love them, but I don't know how to wade through
"owner delight" and reality. I can't audition them all. Some say the Minimax
with tweaks is a giant killer. Is it true? I don't know...
Space-Tech-Labs looks very interesting, but I don't know where to find user reviews, let
alone audition without committing to purchase.
I appreciate the heads-up regarding the Accuphase C200. I'm sure it sounds great, but I
want something newer with less chance of needing repair.
The Ming Da MC-2A3 also caught my attention. Some say it needs tweaks to bring out
its full potential.
Fortunately, I'm not in a hurry. I'm ready to pounce, but I'm exercising patience. If you
have any thoughts or suggestions, I'd love to hear them. Many many thanks. -Mark
The more I read, the deeper the pool gets.
I should have done a better job defining the sound I'm looking for. I own two very good
passive preamps: Bent TVC with S&B trannies and silver wire; and Sonic Euphoria with
autoformers. I love the transparency, detail and spaciousness they offer, but I feel they're
missing some mid-bass presence. I discovered this recently while AB'ing the Bent against
a Modulus 3A. The Bent had a little more air, but it was thinner in the mid bass. We
played the same material back to back and switched preamps. There may have been an
impedance mismatch between the TVC and my friend's Bedini amp, but we both agreed
the Modulus had a fuller, richer sound.
Without getting sidetracked on the differences between passives and actives, I want to
make it clear that I'm looking for an active. I want to try something different than what I
have. I want it to be dead quiet and spacious like the TVC, but I want it to be lush as
well. Am I asking for too much at this price point? I'm not looking for an overly euphonic
sound, but I like a little color without bloat or mush. Analytical and neutral preamps are
out of the question.
After sifting through the forums and reading reviews, I've ruled out the Modwright and
the Rogue.
The Cary SLP-98 interests me quite a bit. Everyone seems to like it for its warmth, which
is exactly what I'm after.
Conrad Johnson also interests me, but I don't know which models to focus on.
Jeff Rowland Capri gets glowing reviews, but it's out of my price range.
Audible Illusions Mod3A is an obvious contender, but I'm concerned about the noise I
heard in our listening session. It may have been the tubes or the power conditioner or
any number of fixable things, but the Modulus does have a reputation for noisy switches
and volume controls.
Joule Electra LA-100 Mk3 is also a contender, but finding one in my price range will
require some patience.
PrimaLuna ProLogue, Juicy Music Peach, Audio Mirror, EE Minimax are all very well
respected with loyal owners that love them, but I don't know how to wade through
"owner delight" and reality. I can't audition them all. Some say the Minimax
with tweaks is a giant killer. Is it true? I don't know...
Space-Tech-Labs looks very interesting, but I don't know where to find user reviews, let
alone audition without committing to purchase.
I appreciate the heads-up regarding the Accuphase C200. I'm sure it sounds great, but I
want something newer with less chance of needing repair.
The Ming Da MC-2A3 also caught my attention. Some say it needs tweaks to bring out
its full potential.
Fortunately, I'm not in a hurry. I'm ready to pounce, but I'm exercising patience. If you
have any thoughts or suggestions, I'd love to hear them. Many many thanks. -Mark