Service my Belles

I'm attempting to send my Belles pre in for service. However I'm not getting a response from Belles Audio. Is this normal? Anyone out there have a suggestion as to how to send my equipment to Belles for service? I notice there is a address provided on their web site but I would hate to just send it blindly without any contact from them.
I likewise suggest phone vs. email. Dave is an "old fashioned" kind of guy, and loves to chat. I'm sure he'll take care of you.
Hmmmmmm, well........ I left a message but got no return call. Let's hope he is on vacation. In the mean time if any of you folks happen to be in touch with him- Can you let him know I am making an attempt to contact him?

Well, sad to write this. But this is a forum that I assume allows the good and bad experiences?

I struggled for quite sometime to arrange repair of my Belles pre. I was not pleased with Dave Belles's lack of return contact and it made me wonder if I would get my pre back if I sent it in. So I took it to a local repair shop and sent Belles a e-mail informing him they would be in contact with him.

Well we never heard from Dave Belles and could not do the repair without a schematic. Finally after over 3 months of frustration I sent the pre to David Belles and explained my frustration and told him he could keep his pre. " I don't want it back, and I will never own a Belles piece! " That was in early September. So it has been a month now. I thought I would at least got a letter of some type from Belles Audio. Most manufactures will at least do something to satisfy their customer.

I guess that shows me what type of company David Belles is running...
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If David Belles is in his 60's or 70's,[I have no idea],he's not running anything.Life is running him.I am sorry to hear of your experience and I would be pissed too,except try to remember,at that age your lucky to be alive,much less running a Co.Since your pre is gone with that note,you painted yourself in a corner.A wise man would of found that schematic[sp] and moved on as there are avenues yet unexplored by you and your MO.First,find out if he's alive,then contact him and apoligize for your lack of discretion,but explain your young and learning and would like to start over.Easy for me to say,except I've done that and have the scars to prove it can work.Good luck,were all in this together....