Mcintosh or Classe

Is Mcintosh as good as Classe? I am considering replacing my old CA-300 for a mc 402 and don't want to be disappointed. I've considered getting another classe but they don't make a model that is 300w in my budget, the closest would be 200w. The Mcintosh is 400w.
I own five Mcintosh amps. However I could be just as happy with Classe. IMO, they are about equal in sound quality but do sound differently. It's a matter of preference. I chose Mcintosh over Classe because of resale value. Mcintosh has the highest resale value of any of the components I have owned. The two ampa are different so you really need to hear the MC402 before you buy. Still, I think it's an excellent amp and you most likely will like it. The MC501 monoblocks are the ones you should get if you can budget them. They are a step above the MC402 and where I would have started if I knew what I know now. Which brings be back to a previous point, you will have little trouble selling the amp if you decide you do not like it.
I like both, I own a ca 200 and have for 15 years or so but I moved to Mcintosh 501's and never looked back. Much more refined sound particularly in bass definition and pitch. I think both have very nice midrange but again the Mac is a little clearer and refined.

Obviously, the 501's have much more power and this could account for a lot of the difference particularly since I am driving a tough load with Thiels.

As I said I like both but I really think Mcintosh has upped the ante with power amplifiers with the 501's, 1201's, and 402. I think they are superb especially for the money.
pops, i would agree with you that it is probably the power difference that you are hearing. i preferred the ca-200 over the mc 252 mcintosh amp but i also preferred the mc1000 over the 501's or the 602 with my totem mani's. the ma1000 sounded fantastic with my totem mani's. if i wanted to spend the money, the older classe omicron (i think it was the omicron) stereo amp is what i would own. that thing was huge (couple feet deep, 2-300 lbs) but it is the best sounding amp i have heard.
Yeah, the omicron was really nice, I heard it several times at a dealer. The only problem with large amps is MOVING them! The 501's aren't the biggest in the world but they weigh 100lbs each and are compact, nothing to grip. It's like moving a boulder and I'm too old for that s*&t, plus I'm in management...Good luck with your choice.