Recommend a small tube amp for bedroom use?

Looking for something small, not std 19" width. Maybe 1/2 width or smaller even. SET design with 300b tubes is preferred. This is for low volume listening in the bedroom. Any suggestions?
First of all let me make this clear.....I love tubes and there sure are many that would fit the bill. However , base on my experience with Red Wine Audio gear and your small foot print (and since it is for 2nd system in the bedroom) requirements , I would suggest to take a close look into RWA Sig 30 or 30.2 integrated amp. It sounds sweet and musical....., something that is one of my preferances. Runs on batteries, is rated at 30wpc, no heat, dead quite and very small size. Perfect bedroom int. amp.

Good luck

Fatman .. Ipod Tube ITube ValveDock

I listened some days ago with Harbeth C7ESIII fantastic sound obviously at low level

My cent!
Thanks all for the suggestions, I've got my eye on the Decware SE84C+ at the moment...
Triode TRV A300SE 300B single ended integrated, great sounding SET amp for the price.