Classe DR-6 or Adcom GFP-750

Has anybody heard these two preamps and if so which would you recommend? I like the idea of a passive preamp if it matches up well with my amp and source. The Classe if quite a bit older of course. Thanks.
I had the classe 5 and it was a much nicer preamp then the adcom I had before. Very warm and full sounding.
I'd surely take Classe over Adcom from what I've heard over the years for reasons mentioned above.
No contest. Take the Classe. The Adcom is over hyped and overrated in my opinion. I had one and the passive section killed the dynamics in my system (which some other passives didn't do including the McCormack TLC-1, Placette Passive, and even the inexpensive Creek OBH-12).

On the other hand, in active mode the GFP-750 was nothing special... a bit too cold and lean sounding for my taste.
Agree with Classe DR-6, one of the most missed preamps I've ever had........smoooooth and easy to listen to for hours.