Up grading power amp... Mono blocks or stereo amp?

I am thinking of upgrading my Rogue Audio ST-90 power amp.
My System: Rogue Audio Persious Pre amp, the st-90 powere amp, Krell SACD Standard CD player, Pro-ject 10 Turntable w/ Shelter MK II cartridge, Straight wire Interconects and Speaker cables, And B&W 803s speakers. This amp is nice but I think I could get an amp that is more quite, richer, and a bit more powerful. I was thinking about the Rogue Mono Blocks. What are the advantages/disadvantages of Mono Blocks versus a stereo amp? And yes, I want to stay w/ tubes.
Advantages/disadvantages of monos vs. stereo amps are: Advantage Mono: Better seperation and isolation per channel. Advantage Stereo: Cost.
Now this may seem simple, but I currently replaced my $12K monoblock amps with a $10K stereo amp that just plain sounds better.

In your price range though, I would think that you could find a nice pair of Quicksilver V4 monoblocks that should do all that you ask and be a nice upgrade from the Rogue.



You will see why monoblocks are MUCH better

All The Best
I love my Rogue Audio 150 monos with my RA 99 pre amp pushing my Martin Logan SL3's. Its not good....Its great. Don't let the price fool you.These baby's rock with the best of them.
If you have space in front of your hi-fi setup two monos are always better than a stereo amp
Long signal cable (balanced are better) but short speaker cables