To me, The most exspensive High-fidelity cable is a good buy, Think about it, the most exspensive model is alot less than many cable brands top model cable!, I know, I have a cable at three times the cost of High fidelity"s best effort!, There are a couple of sellers offering High-fidelitys best cable here on the gon at a substantial savings, To tell you the truth, this happens to all cables, all brands are 40% to 70% off the full retail on the used market, including my cable!, How do you think I bought my interconnect cable?, here on the audiogon used market of course!, why pay $15,000.00 a meter new, when I got a deal of a life time at $5,665.00 a meter used, my cable was only a year old, then I had it authenticated with the Taralabs factory, thats how I found out the date it was made and etc..,, Talking about being happy with that deal!, I enjoy all my fellow members to save money!, why?, I am against all the high cost of cables, no matter the brand!, thats why I posted early this morning the grand news!, Good luck and Happy Hunting!