audiphile power cords

Do upgraded power cords really make a significant difference in sound quality? I have a Jolida 502p that I think sounds pretty good. What do you recommend for a power cord that would make a significant improvement?
This is like the debate about climate change, or evolution. We are all so way past it. If you want to know if they make a difference -- and the thousands of reviews and comments on this and other sites do not persuade you -- try a few for yourself.

If anyone would like to know why power cords make a difference, I would be happy to contribute. BTW I have some measurements to back my claims.

It's not at all like the "debates" over climate change and evolution, in which the serious scientific community is virtually 100% agreed that yes, there is man made climate change and yes, all life evolved from a common ancestor. There is nothing like unanimity, and especially nothing like agreement upon the explanatory mechanisms at work, in the power cord case. And, unlike the cases of evolution and climate change, most of the people who have strong positive opinions have either an economic or a vanity motive for saying what they say. In contrast, in the climate and evolution cases it's the motives of the deniers that are most obviously suspect. Finally, while you might be able to make up your own mind by experiment in the cable case (though never underestimate the power of psychoacoustics), the parallel claim for climate change and evolution would be absurd.
I think we should demand that the title of any topic be spelled correctly...really...