Charles1dad, I have experienced four instances where new cables had some major innovation. First was the use of silver wire rather than copper. I really am uncertain which company's silver wires were my first, but I was sold. Next came the Van der Hul carbon wires. I love the absence of metal splash to the sound but their high resistance caused me hum problems. Third was the Synergistic Research charged cables. They were a major improvement in transparency and dynamics. They were followed by the Exemplar Copper Portals and then their Silver Portals. I lived with the Portals for several years. Finally, I ran into Rick Schultz at CES this year. Knowing that any current flow induces a magnetic field that can induce current flow in other cables, I thought the magnetic conduction notion made some sense. Then I heard the High Fidelity Ultimate's impact on the Lanache speakers.
In short if there is some innovation that might well yield an improvement, I am receptive and often this reveals major improvements. There are so many different cables out there that no one can try them all.
In short if there is some innovation that might well yield an improvement, I am receptive and often this reveals major improvements. There are so many different cables out there that no one can try them all.