whats the best addition u have bought for system

just wondering what u added that really made a difference. i have low end stuff but im learning. pioneer elite 39tx reciever, psb stratus golds. tara interconnects wireworld atlantis bi wires, so basically i have a cdp, reciever and speakers. what would be your next move im thinkin some kinda amp, conditioner, new speaker wires; obviously im confused and learning. thanks alot kevin
what other systems or components have you listened to;and what did you like about it?
Each item below changed the sound of my system tremendously for the better.

1. Sansui TU-X1 tuner

2. Audio Research Ref3 tube preamp

3. Audio Research CD7

4. Marantz BD-8002 dvd Blu Ray player
Best thing to come down the pike in a long time has been a Mcintosh MR77.Now if this dang town had any jazz stations.....

If you have a broadband internet connection, pick up a Roku Soundbridge for internet radio. You'll be rolling in better than FM sounding Jazz and anything else your interested in from around the world. Use an Audioquest G Snake stereo mini to dual phono IC to upgrade the sound considerably from the stock wire.
Usblues .....I have a SqueezeBox. Similar to the unit Mapman above just mentioned, the Squeezebox operates via wired or wireless broadband connection. I get jazz stations from all over the USA and the rest of the world. I listen to great jazz stations in Denver, Los Angeles, Switzerland, Germany and Japan in superb sound quality.

I own the highly regarded Sansui TU-X1 tuner and I rarely play it any more because of the SqueezeBox. The Sansui can get only local stations....the SqueezeBox gives me access to jazz all over the world.