OK John,one thing I want to make clear is that I am in "no way" too serious about pushing you,in a direction you don't want to go in!
It's really just hobbyspeak to me,so do what you feel comfy with.That being said,let's take the gloves off-:)....
Firstly I've been through the cable wars,tube rolling times,and the multitude of "virtually anything" I could come up with myself.I also have a close friend who has been obsessed with cable changes,and Line Conditioning "type" products for too long a time.He has a very similar set-up as me,so he is a superb "lab mouse",and I benefit greatly from this.Yes,they are of paramount importance,along with many other factors...one being open to changing one's attitude,on occassion.Been there.Done that!
I have always been a big believer of "updating/modifying" something I think works well in my set-up,and I have a highly modded system.For my tastes(without going too overboard with ego)it is ultra high res(in the best way),and of very low coloration(something that almost everything "IS"!!I am truly happy,regardless of industry hype,because I trust my ears,and have friends who remind me of this,alot!!
Living here in the North East,I've been lucky to hear alot of great set-ups,and it is the "hobbyist system" that influences my approach,as opposed to live music!
Why?...because we are not about to "do" live music for a long time(of course it MUST be heard often),but when one hears another person's set-up "doing" something better than our own,it "instsntly" stands out.Then we(I) say.."how can I get that too".
Just my own approach.
OK,and please remember I KNOW you are an "audio maven"!
At least this is what Huntley told me yesterday...I am having him update my SP-15 pre/phonostage for the second time(the combined costs have been nothing approaching inexpensive,but worth every cent).It is a shockingly good device,but the new V-Teflon caps,and new P/S should make it even superior to the first "Ref Mod",done by Steve.
I was asking him about PW's and your name came up,because he felt your pre was fabulous(with the PW's),and he mentioned you to be a knowledgeable hobbyist...but...we both raised an eyebrow regarding your comment about not hearing a "worthy" enough difference when playing around with VTA....Whew!!
Steve was totally complimentary towards you,and your system,so we left it at that.....but I have to tell you if you are willing to go to the "voicing lengths" with tubes/cabling etc(and rightfully so),your enthusiasm about VTA leaves me "definitely" feeling ...
"There is something wrong in "Resolution-ville"!!
I used to own four different Koetsus,as well as the Zeta,but did not have the analog experience at the time(though it sounded good)to make a meaningful comment.
The 2.2 I know like the back of my hand!!Actually better!!..
It is "unbelievably" sensitive to fluid in the bearing!This is actually a good thing,IMO,because if you play around with it you will be in for a surprise,assuming there are no "resolution issue" in the overall system.
The amount I,and my friend had(we both moved the the Phantom,but don't believe the zealots,because the 2.2 "IS" a fabulous "cartridge carrier")was at the about 1/3 "way up" from the "bottom" of the bearing "square"!This is probably cartridge dependant,but I'd be willing to bet,not as big a difference with the majority of choices.Just a hunch.
The arm is "so" sensitive to fluid,that as much as "one" pinhead difference can be(should be audible....and I'm NOT nuts) "clearly" heard,if the system is of a high resolution.Believe me(or not) I spent alot of "worthy in the long run" time on this,and know "that" arm.I LOVE it!!
I would suggest,if you buy my schtick,that you start with a fluid of about 1/4 way up the bottome squared off part of the bearing,and move up in "rediculously small" fluid addition increments.Sorry,but it works!Don't sell your arm/cartridge/attitudes short!
The more fluid,the more damped down the sound(lower resolution).The less fluid,the higher resolution,openess and bass,but at the expense of brightness,so be very careful.It might not hurt to have a good second set of ears here.
If the system is as good as Huntley thinks,you may be in for a shock,because the VTA "thing" is HUGE(yeah....in very small movements of "that" dredded vta dial),once the best tubes,and cabling are in place.Not to mention a fabulus electronics array,that you appear to own!
So,if I start to read your posts about "better phonocabling" and the finest PW's,I'm gonna be "real suspicious" if you wind up thinking VTA is not worthy of the same approach -:)
"Those VTA Fanatics" are absolutely on to something,because it is clearly audible in a good set-up!
Meant with the best intentions.