What is the best SS used amp for $1k or less?

What is the best solid state used amp offered on Audigon for $1,000 or less? Want an amp with at least 100 watts per channel, big sound stage, highs/mids like tube amp and with good solid bass. Like to listen to jazz and soft rock.

Thanks for your suggestions.
The best ss amp for you would be the Belles 150a hotrod based on your preference. Lots of good things being said about the vincent hybrid but the tubes are hard wired. That could be a PITA.
Look for a Parasound A21 at $1100 - $1200. They pop up now and again. The A21 is a KILLER amp that takes on the character of what's driving it. I use mine with a simple tubed preamp and it's glorious.

P.S. 250w per channel into 8ohms.
Unsound is correct. without knowledge of your speakers, advice you seek is suspect. For instance, I've had a Belles 150 Hot Rod and it was mediocre at best when paired with Maggie 1.6qrs. I'm sure it warranted the good reviews it got with other speakers. There's no such thing as "best," it's always system dependent.
Don't worry too much about your choice of amp: it would take a real bad one to screw things up. A properly built amplifier, with an electronics design that has stood the test of time, will have less relevance to the presentation of music than your speakers.
Thanks for the comment regarding the amps. I don't know if you have heard of the speakers. The speakers I am using are Clarke System Monitor Speakers. They have 2 10" woofers, 8" woofer, 3 ribbon tweeters, and a dome tweeter.