Seeking amp help or thoughts, please :-

Hi :-) I'm a bit of an Audiogon newb (1st post) who's mostly lurked over the years :-) I've had a PS Audio GCC-250 for years now driving a two channel setup with two restored Infinity Kappa 9's. Now, due to a move, I'm forced to sort of "combine" my two channel setup with my A/V setup :-( Even though that isn't my first choice, that decision is made. I've acquired a second set of Kappa 9's to restore (I know, talk about overkill :-) and am building a custom made center channel out of a pair of Kappa 6's I need to face the dreaded "amp decision" :-( I REALLY LOVE the GCC-250 and would more than anything like to find a one piece solution, multi-channel version of a digital integrated. However, I cannot get PS Audio's websight to function with my browser and so was wondering if anyone here might have thoughts on any of either their equipment (PS Audio) or other similar stuff from others (Sim Audio, etc.) that might permit me to build a 5 channel combined A/V Surround and music system using all of these Kappas? Any thoughts? Am I an idiot? Crazy? Is it hopeless? I admit that I don't know squat about multi-channel A/V, although I do have a pretty nice SACD setup in two-channel. Thanks in advance for both your time and assistance...I am VERY grateful to anyone who shares their thoughts. THANKS!
I see what you mean about the speakers (didn't look at the specs.) I wonder what happened to PS Audios' site?
Thanks to many for your thoughts/help :-) Klipshfan...thanks a TON for the link...I'll check into that. Mordante...unfortunately, I don't have the room for 5 separate amps :-) Ericjcabrera...I like your ideas, but I'm not really sure that I fully understand...I'm pretty slow sometimes...also true w/what Rleff has suggested...? Johnnyb53, you're right on with what I WANT...but how to get there? I've not seen ANY "highly regarded high-powered multi-channel A/V receivers" that I thought could even come close to driving the Kappa 9's...but, I'm LOOKING! Don't have to worry about transformer vibration and/or big caps with a gain-cell setup...thus my desire for PS Audio et. al. I'm very un-knowledgeable about such stuff, but a 5.1 setup should be fine...except that I wouldn't have the ".1" subs SHOULD be needed since each of the "surround" speakers in this case has TWO 12" woofers to begin with :-O What would a sub even DO then? But, how would I strip that signal out and re-route it to the 4 surrounds? I think I'm just getting even MORE confused :-( In any case, thanks to all who've shared and I'll keep checking back. Anyone else have thoughts? THANKS!
Hey!! looks like they are back online.