Newbie amp help......why?

Im confused about why an amp is needed. I am not a cranker by any means. I dont listen to my music loud at all. I really dont listen to rock much so why is an amp needed? I could understand if it was like when i was younger and wanted more bass or better treble in my car but that was only because i wanted to listen louder without distortion. I have a old pioneer elite 39tx reciever/pre amp. I have a nad c541 transport, with psb stratus gold speakers. please help me understand how this works. My stuff will already go way louder without distortion than i would ever want to listen to at that level. thanx alot Kevin
heard a system with the speakers i have now and was blown away
that right there is why you would need a new amp. If you heard what a really good amp (ie any amp better than the one you have) sounds like, one that "made your eyes water", you would know you need a new amp. Until then, as long as you ask these questions you are perilously close to the slippery slope of audiophoolishness Blindjim describes.
That might be true, once the speaker/room interface is right. I find that the speaker and the room (and your ears)account for a lot of performance from a system with a given speaker -- then the amp/speaker is possible the most crucial component matchup IMHO.
I agree that your speakers are keepers and that the rest of your system could benefit from some smart upgrades. But that said, please don't disregard or take lightly what Pubul57 said about speaker placement. I think you'll likely be amazed at how much of that "previous experience" you can recapture just by getting the "speaker/room interface" right.
yea this hobby is already bringing tears to my wifes eyes, she doesnt understand. i dont either obviously. im chasing a system that i dont even know what it was. i would think that the stuff i have now would be at least close to stuff from the low 90s. at this point the problem is im just spending money on wires, interconnects and cd transports with very little gain. i think i need help or someone who knows whats up before i spend more money. thanks for the replies much appreciated.