Good usedpreamp recommendations up to $1500 or so?

Greetings folks,

I'm looking to purchase a preamp for my system, and would like some recommendations on products to consider. I have a few requirements, and even some bias to start with...

I have a MacIntosh MC275 as my amp, driving a pair of Aerial 10T speakers. Cables are Synergistic Research. A Cary 303-300 CD player is the source right now, but I am adding a Sonos to the system soon. Currently, I'm going direct from the Cary to the amp.

I want this to be a 2-channel pre, but if it were also a high quality 5.1 or other HT pre/pro that would be just fine. I care about the 2-channel performance the most, however. 5.1 would be a benefit for fitting the system into an inexpensive HT setup (I will get an inexpensive amp and speakers for the rest of the HT system).

I would like a HT pass-through capability if possible. I want balanced outputs. I would consider a smooth sounding solid state pre, or a neutral sounding tube pre. I have a preference for Pass Labs (other amps I've owned, but no experience with their pre's), Sonic Frontiers, Classe, Cary possibly. I've had EAD gear (Theatermaster Signature 8) and liked it, but felt it was a little clinical sounding.

So I'm looking for recommendations for a very good pre that comes in used under $1500 or so. If I had to stretch to $1700 or $1800 for a considerable jump in quality, I guess I could do it. I'd probably prefer to spend under a grand if I had my preferences.

Any recommendations?


!.Cary more than $2K

2.Audio Research more than $1,500.00

I am currently using SLp-98 paired with pair mc-225 and mc-2100.
Post removed 

The Cary and AR don't have balanced outputs unless I am mistaken? I don't think Cary made a pre with balanced outputs until the most recent one. I think I'd be all over the Cary if it had balanced outputs.


I'm with you here. What do you recommend? I was thinking about possibly a Sonic Frontiers Line 2 or something like that should be a good match to my gear, but I'm not sure. How high do you figure I need to go?

I also figure that a Pass preamp might match up well in performance.
