Lie you told your wife to buy equipment?

Just wanted to check if I am the only one who hides equipment, try to blend it into my current system etc etc hoping my wife will not find out. Lets hear yours..LOL
I don't lie, I only tell the truth, ....but not the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

One good tactic is to tell her you buy stuff and sell stuff so it all evens out in the end moneywise. In reality, it doesn't if you're upgrading.

If you can get away with having a separate bank account, for internet transactions, not only can this provide some financial protection, it can be used to to quietly process other transctions.

Of course, this is all hypothetical. I would NEVER do these things. At least, I don't think I would. As I get older my memory isn't what it used to be.

Then again, you could also just stay single.
I don't lie to my wife about audio equipment purchases because I have enough to do keeping track of the lies I tell her so I can see my girlfriend.
I don't need to lie. My Wife of 21 years and I have a deal. All my overtime money is mine, which in turn is spent on stereo related equipment. She's a keeper!
My wife likes to use the "don't you remember" trick on me as well. It is not limited to clothes she is a compulsive shopper and generally ends up to buying anything in sight. I don't lie but she says nothing. I mean nothing -it tends to wear you down. My stuff is generally too large to just slip in, except the tubes. I get those and hide them immediately. I don't lie but also don't announce my latest acquisition every time.