Elrog 300B vs Takatsuki 300B tubes

Has anyone heard the Elrog 300B tubes ? I read an article which mentioned that the Elrog 300B delivers 15% less power than a traditional 300B tubes. Can anyone confirm that it is audible ?

I am choosing between Elrog and Takatsuki 300B tubes. I would prefer the Elrog because it is cheaper and supposedly wonderful but if it really sounds less powerful then I have to rethink.
Hi Rob,
Admittedly there are certainly other excellent options and choices in amplifiers besides a 300b SET amplifier. And within this 300b amplifier niche there are certainly other very fine choices besides the Coincident Frankenstein amplifier. I will say that this amp with the top level 300bs installed is definitely a musical Thrill to enjoy. I believe it would be terrific with your Tekton Lore speakers. A wonderful match of speaker and amplifier that doesn't cost excessive money.
Rob I just remembered that you and your wife are going to be building and using the Audio Note Kit amplifier. Still, my point is the same, an excellent amplifier and speaker combination that should bring both of you much joy for many years.
I listened to my new Elrog 300b today and I'll get to the point, this is a new standard of excellence for me. It does not blow away, embarrass or cause jaws dropping to the floor compared to Takatsuki and the EML XLS. No hyperbole is necessary as I feel these two 300bs are true reference quality and have bettered every other 300b I've tried. In terms of bass and dynamic ability the Elrog equals but doesn't surpass either(at least at this early stage).

The strength of the TAK and EML are balanced sound top to bottom, realistic, honest tone and timbre of instruments and voice. Comparing these to each other, the TAK just a "bit" more organic and refined. EML a "bit" more robust with authority particularly with larger scale music, but overall both are top tier in my amplifier.Just below these two are the AVVT 32B SL, Sophia RP and the KR 300b XLS.

The Elrog moves ahead in providing superior resolution,clarity of the nuances and low level information. This is a feat because the TAK/EML excel in this area. Elrog takes it further and has more presence and 'feel' factor. The sense of living humans singing and playing real instruments is first rate. Again a compliment considering how high a standard the other two set in this regard.

The breath of life factor is higher with the Elrog, you just hear and are aware of the tactile presence of instrumental energy. The air in the room seems to vibrate and is charged with natural sound about you. The Elrog offers more tonal and color/harmonic saturation closer to what you'd experience in a live setting. This is for me very impressive given the stout competition and quality of the two other reference tubes.

For my fellow 300b amp brothers, the Elrog is an absolutely superb tube if the objective is natural sound and increased realism. It moves a small but definite step beyond my two references but is not a "night and day" difference. All three of them will provide wonderful sound and enhance music loving involvement. If I could only choose one, the Elrog leads this stellar trio. I wonder how much impact the particular amplifier has on tube preference. I can only speak for results with my Coincident Frankenstein SET amp.
I realize there's no mention of soundstage and imaging. If you have a good system set up all 3 of these tubes will only enrich those aspects. I tend to just focus on the characteristics that make or break it for me. If the tone/timbre isn't right or the sound is hifish rather than natural/organic, I lose all interest.

One more point concerning the Elrog, you get the "full note", not just the attack. The note substain,decay is all there, full saturation is presented. No artificial speed/transient attack and nothing else type sound.
That's high praise and with more hours it should only get better!
Thanks Charles, please give us updates once the tubes have more hours.