Ever notice that when many obtain an EE Degree, it seems to affect their aural accuity?
I've read threads where the poster argues that something cannot work, even when items were available to judge by ear.
In photography I was taught to experiment, failure only means you begin again. For the same reason, I don't view failed audio tests as an embarrassment, but rather a learning experience.
I have a group of about twenty listeners, a few that show up every week and some that come only once a month or so. It's a very mixed group, ages from 22 to 65 years of age and a very wide array of equipment from Maggies to Vandersteen and Kharma to Sound-Lab.
What's great is to make a change from the previous week, announce at dinner that there's a change and visitors are invited to comment on strengths or weakness from previous sessions.
This way, regardless of my own feelings I gather comments from other ears and if a change is 100% approved by everyone, you can be pretty darn sure that it's a winner.
I have learned so much with my friends, a comfort in tossing around ideas in a NON hostile way (no ego's allowed!) and everyone free to say what's on their mind.
Frankly it's surprising how often a good change is voted 100% and how often a failure is tossed aside.