Atma-Sphere S-30 MK3

To Atma owners and gurus;

I've just recently jumped on the Atma wagon and I must say that so far this has been the single most eye & ear opening amplifier experience in my entire audio life of almost 28 years.

The S-30mk3 has been residing in my rig for close to 4 months now and is still breaking in, but should be almost done anytime soon.

I do however complain of an un-natural tonality in general that comes and goes during the break-in period and which was also very clear from the beginning. This is also accompanied by a certain 'hardness'..much like looking directly into sunlight as opposed to looking through a pair of poloroids..This issue is really bugging me and was wondering if it's part of the break-in process of Atmasphere amps in general, as I have never experienced it with other amps, tube or SS..

This aside, the amp seems to be taking forever to break-in..!!! But, it certainly looks to be my holy grail in amplification.

Along the way, I replaced the stock Chinese 6SN7's with EH's and now settled on Tung-Sol's. The latter being the best sounding of the lot. I do wanna stick to current production tubes as much as possible. Don't wanna go on the NOS merry-go-round..:-)

The S-30 is driving a pair of Tannoy Edinburgh's, from the Tannoy Prestige Series, to wonderful effect and the sound is heavenly! Preamp is a BAT VK-3iX Special Edition and is also a very good sonic match with the S-30..

Appreciate any input and of course any advice from the Atmasphere gurus and lovers here..!


Duke's speculation makes perfect sense as a possible explanation. I use M-60 MKIIIs with my Merlins that have very flat impedance with no frequency anomalies that I can detect. Now, I have heard that V-Caps do take a while to break in, but I'm not sure that it would account for what you are hearing. I'm sure Bill has heard every Atma permutation so I assume he has not picked up on this V-Cap breakin as being a possible cause for your situtation. Let us know if thinks improve.
I have the S30 mk3 OTL amp with the upgrade vcap and resistors. The break-in period for me lasted only a couple of days. I loaned the amp from a dealer and for the first day it really didn't gel and I was very close to handing it back.

However, day 2 was different and I started to really appreciate how revealing this amp is. I am using it with a Bent Audio TVC and Avantgarde Duo Omega horns which have a flat impedance of 18 ohms.

The imaging and dynamics of this amp are second to none in my system and I do not hear the hardness that you are referring to. In fact I would say that it is amazing how high you can set the listening level without and strain or hardness appearing.

I am using the amp in balanced mode with Anti-IC's and stock power cord.

Hope that helps in some way.
If I may to offer a differrent perspective.
This discussion sounds utterly familiar to one , that took place in the infamous "Preamp deal of the century" Supratek thread, regarding "glare", that some Supratek owners (myself included) heard in very different systems, that employed Supratek preamps. Our impressions were very similar, but at the same time an obvious minority. The vast majority of Supratek owners couldn't understand what glare we were talking about, and the general consensus in the end of that discussion was pretty much:" Majority of esteemed and experienced A-gon members didn't hear the glare, and the small number of owners, who did, obviously didn't know how music is suppose to sound".
Fast forward from my Supratek phase, and after having some other preamps in my system- Doshi Alaap, and now I have BAT Rex with BAT-75 SE (graciously lended by a friend), I can say with a high degree of certainty, that I just confirmed my impressions of Supratek as very colored, bright and definetely exibiting glare in the upper midrange (not at all dissimilar to "looking directly into sunlight).
To sum it up, my point is this- I think we all have different sensitivity to certain parts of the audible frequencies, especially upper midrange, treble.
It can be attributed to the age differencies for one, and to a multitude of other physiological factors as well.
BTW, I retrospectively think, that Supratek's "glare" is attributed to silver-plated copper internal wiring, used in the chassis (it's point-to point wired).
Now, I'm sure, many will conside my post rediculous, and will continue to defend their own listening experiences, as "the one and only truth", which in the context of one person's hearing abilities, is such.
IMO the product was un-natural in the top end,but thats listening at a couple dealer demo issue with the line is kind of like buying a get a product that needs alot of added stuff at the getgo..doesnt make sense to me to have to upgrade a tone to get something worthy
Based on your obvious unfamilarity with the line it's highly doubtful you could hear the difference between a stock unit and one that is highly optioned.

There's very little to learn in a dealer audition when the system contains none of your components, cables, and room acoustics.

I suggest your comments are those of an inexperienced listener.