If I may to offer a differrent perspective.
This discussion sounds utterly familiar to one , that took place in the infamous "Preamp deal of the century" Supratek thread, regarding "glare", that some Supratek owners (myself included) heard in very different systems, that employed Supratek preamps. Our impressions were very similar, but at the same time an obvious minority. The vast majority of Supratek owners couldn't understand what glare we were talking about, and the general consensus in the end of that discussion was pretty much:" Majority of esteemed and experienced A-gon members didn't hear the glare, and the small number of owners, who did, obviously didn't know how music is suppose to sound".
Fast forward from my Supratek phase, and after having some other preamps in my system- Doshi Alaap, and now I have BAT Rex with BAT-75 SE (graciously lended by a friend), I can say with a high degree of certainty, that I just confirmed my impressions of Supratek as very colored, bright and definetely exibiting glare in the upper midrange (not at all dissimilar to "looking directly into sunlight).
To sum it up, my point is this- I think we all have different sensitivity to certain parts of the audible frequencies, especially upper midrange, treble.
It can be attributed to the age differencies for one, and to a multitude of other physiological factors as well.
BTW, I retrospectively think, that Supratek's "glare" is attributed to silver-plated copper internal wiring, used in the chassis (it's point-to point wired).
Now, I'm sure, many will conside my post rediculous, and will continue to defend their own listening experiences, as "the one and only truth", which in the context of one person's hearing abilities, is such.
This discussion sounds utterly familiar to one , that took place in the infamous "Preamp deal of the century" Supratek thread, regarding "glare", that some Supratek owners (myself included) heard in very different systems, that employed Supratek preamps. Our impressions were very similar, but at the same time an obvious minority. The vast majority of Supratek owners couldn't understand what glare we were talking about, and the general consensus in the end of that discussion was pretty much:" Majority of esteemed and experienced A-gon members didn't hear the glare, and the small number of owners, who did, obviously didn't know how music is suppose to sound".
Fast forward from my Supratek phase, and after having some other preamps in my system- Doshi Alaap, and now I have BAT Rex with BAT-75 SE (graciously lended by a friend), I can say with a high degree of certainty, that I just confirmed my impressions of Supratek as very colored, bright and definetely exibiting glare in the upper midrange (not at all dissimilar to "looking directly into sunlight).
To sum it up, my point is this- I think we all have different sensitivity to certain parts of the audible frequencies, especially upper midrange, treble.
It can be attributed to the age differencies for one, and to a multitude of other physiological factors as well.
BTW, I retrospectively think, that Supratek's "glare" is attributed to silver-plated copper internal wiring, used in the chassis (it's point-to point wired).
Now, I'm sure, many will conside my post rediculous, and will continue to defend their own listening experiences, as "the one and only truth", which in the context of one person's hearing abilities, is such.