Elrog 300B vs Takatsuki 300B tubes

Has anyone heard the Elrog 300B tubes ? I read an article which mentioned that the Elrog 300B delivers 15% less power than a traditional 300B tubes. Can anyone confirm that it is audible ?

I am choosing between Elrog and Takatsuki 300B tubes. I would prefer the Elrog because it is cheaper and supposedly wonderful but if it really sounds less powerful then I have to rethink.
Hi Charles,

Thanks for your feedback. Looks like I have to try the Elrogs. I do agree with your previous post that the reissue WE300B is not great. But I do have a few pairs of vintage WE300B with rectangular getter of 1950'd and early 1960's era. I also have 1970's era but these are not as nice. Bass and dynamics are the areas where the vintage WE300B loses out compared to Takat and EML. I haven't tried the Vintage WE300B wit my Berning SE OTL 300B amp. I should do so since the OTL amps have great bass since they do not have output transformers.
The issue of compatibility of the Elrog with various 300b amplifiers has been raised on this thread. Given that you have two different 300b Amps it will be very interesting to see how these tubes perform in two different amplifier circuits.
I received an interesting email today from audiogon member Mark who recently got a pair of the Elrog ER 300b tubes. He loaned these tubes to Israel Blume to try in his system. They both feel that these tubes were just a subtle improvement and did not justify their high cost. Israel, Mark and I agree upon the substantial improvement rendered by the Pavane W.E. replica 101D tubes in the Coincident line stage. I find the Elrog just as impactful (at the very least) so while I obviously respect their impression, I will respectfully disagree. As more people listen to the Elrogs it will be interesting to note their impact according to various listeners. Israel does not find the Elrog 300b upgrade that he does the Replica 101D in his components. For me, both were major and welcome additions in my system.
Interesting Charles, and thanks for the info. Any idea what 300b the Elrog was a "slight improvement" over in those systems?
For Israel I'm pretty certain it would be the Pavane Black glass version. I Often agree with Israel in most cases regarding the sound of different items and components, but not in this case. The truth is that some will share his view that the improvement is only subtle, and some will share my view that the Elrog is a significant upgrade.