Io line out mod?

I have an Aesthetix Io with volume control. This is really a phono stage but in my system it works fine as preamp. However, it lacks line out (only xlr + rca variable outputs) which I need for recording purposes. I think this is sometimes easy to fix by some soldering. Does anyone know if it is possible in this case?
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I owned an Io with that feature. Jim White did it when Aesthetix upgraded my Io to Signature level. It shows that it can be done. Contact Aesthetix directly and find out what they charge.
Thanks a lot, especially Jafox, and also Gerrym5. Living far away., with huge shipment cost, I think about doing this myself. If it doesn't work I can remove it. Tell you more when i've tried it. Greetings, Oystein.
I need to reach J White and Aesthetix directly to deal with this in the best way. Can anyone help me?
Thanks, Oystein
Talk with Glenn at (805) 529-9901 (this number worked for me a few months ago). His email address is