Pioneer sx-636 vintage reciever?

I found a vintage pioneer sx-636 receiver for $40. Is this a good deal and how good is the phono?

OH,excuse me.I thought you bought it already....40$ is OK if its an 8 or better.The phono is OK as I recall,my brother had one for 15 years and we listened daily...are the lights working?I hear Pioneers are difficult to work on as opposed to some of the other Japanese stuff from that era....heresay.....good luck,Bob
MIGHT not matter, but I had the SX-727, same vintage and while it was OK in most regards, the FM tuner would not stay stable on frequency. As soon as it warmed up, it'd drift off frequency. This model had both a center and signal strength meter. Several trips to the fix it guy were NO help.
If its in good working order, its a nice find at $40.

Your NAD is probably better sounding overall though.
Pioneer always made reliable receivers and the SX series was no exception (I've serviced hundreds of them). However you have to understand that the unit is not 'permanent', in that the filter capacitors in the power supply need to be replaced, and likely a good number of the electrolytic coupling caps as well.

IMO it will not be worth it to rebuild, but for $40, if it is working, you might get a few years out of it before it dies completely, although the unit will not perform the way it is supposed to.