Quick question about PrimaLuna Prologue Two

Hi all. I am currently deciding between the PrimaLuna Prologue One and Two. I love the warmth, roundness and smooth nature of the PL1 (especially the midrange). The PL2 has better bass control, yes, but I find its mids and highs a little too forward - attributed to the KT88 I believe. I have a few quick questions about the PL2 though:

- I have often read that people use the PL2 with EL34's. Seeing as the PL2 is KT88 optimized, does it drive the EL34 slightly harder or differently than how the PL1 would?
- similar to the above, will the smooth midrange of the PL1 be carried over the PL2 if EL34's are rolled in it?
- if the amp will be used primarily with EL34's, are the upgrades worth opting for the PL2 over the PL1 (Solen caps and fast acting diodes)?

Thanks in advance,
Admittedly, I purchased the PL2 without benefit of an audition. At the time, the price difference between the PL1 and PL2 was on the order of $200 or so and I figured that the upgrades were worth a relatively nominal sum.

I use EL 34's in both my PL2 and PL5. I tend to agree with your assessment of the KT88's, they add a certain ballsiness to the sound that I did not care for. I liked the sound of 6550's, but I was only getting a few hundred hours of use with them and I tried a variety of makers. I have been using Electro Harmnonix EL34 for the last few months ... a good compromise on sound and longevity.


Hi there and thanks for the reply.

So in your experience, the PL2 works well with the EL34? I have also come across impressions that a lot of the PL2's forwardness may be attributed to the stock 12AX7 - have you perhaps rolled those and found other tubes (e.g., NOS 12AX7's and 5751's) to help sweeten the sound?

All the best,
I have had the PL2 for about 18 months. I have not heard the PL1. I started out with KT88's but switched last January to EL34's. I cant say if they drive the tubes harder but i do love the sound and the ability to switch to other tubes as i see fit.

I do know that a dealer of the primaluna does not like JJ EL34's in them. They caused arcing on my PL2 and i had the socket replaced by mitch singermann. I'm using Mullard reissues and SED EL34's and like them.

i have also rolled some tubes in preamp section. Like the new issue Groove Tube 12ax7M mullard copies, tried some NOS brimar cv4004 but liked the GT better. Both were much better then the stock tubes.

I have run some RCA 5814 blacktops in the 12au7 position and now have some nos RCA cleartops. Both gave better sound; better to me is warmer, creamy. I listen to lots of blues.