This is fun, I agree with both Shadrone and Tvad.
In this forum the 'emporer's new clothes' is inappropriate, I think. It's more the the 'emporer's old clothes'. If you've been here for any time you've seen it before, ad infinitum, ad nauseam. It's just that some claims are so far fetched that they become self defeating. Personally I enjoy threads on reasonance control with components and room acoustics. Some solid concerns taken to an absurd level just to sell products to the eager audiophile with a real or percieved problem. Generic observations and advise given to cure a very specific problem which require equally specific solutions. Almost as much as the Sunday funnies.
But that is probably half the fun of the hobby. Playing with tweaks and ancillary equipment. If folks want to believe these claims and recieve benefits from these beliefs, good on them. Let them go in peace. They could actually be right! :-)
But when a manufacturer/designer comes forward to explain or defend his product he does so at his own peril. Roger Paul is not the first one, nor will he be the last. At least when designers of 'mystical' equipment do come forward and fail to provide an intelligent explaination of their product's function, they do much to remove all doubt from inquiring minds about the likelihood that the product is going to be found to be metorious. And if the designer can't adequately explain his design and it's the audience's dullness that is responsible, well - what did he expect to find here anyways, a bunch of astrophysicists (rocket scientists)? :-)