Holographic imaging

Hi folks, is the so called holographic imaging with many tube amplifiers an artifact? With solid state one only hears "holographic imaging" if that is in the recording, but with many tube amps you can hear it all the time. So solid state fails in this department? Or are those tube amps not telling the truth?


Sorry - I didn’t mean to imply that you (and others) have crap for a system Its just stunning to hear what people would accept and legitimize as ok to add to your system when these are the biggest offenders of purity. My design is focused on achieving the highest purity and resolution by simply removing distortion.
It adds absolutely zero to the original source.

I have never talked down to anyone’s designs. I even respect Ralph and his work. I have taken a different approach and a different path. Along the way I have only met with more conformation that I was headed in the right direction.

sometimes the issue of holographic imaging is on the issue of room acoustics itself. Properly treated room can make speakers have holographic imaging be is solid state or tubes.
Shadorne, I know that Roger has the most sensitive measurements and has told me the reveal no difference with different corrections but that he and later I and others clearly have. Again I think your faith in measurement is unfounded or you are measuring something that is not relevant. It is hard to see how frequency would not be important, but when you are measuring one frequency you are not measuring music. Perhaps it is the context of multiple notes that is where the benefit is.

I again ask all of you who suspect Roger is a charlatan to defend using your logic why your most preferred amp is superior. I bet none of you do more than listen. Perhaps you defensive amp designers have pet theories, which you might also defend.
Audiofool, as always you are doing a lot of talking about nonsense as usual. Get a life or maybe I should say a livelihood.