Used Tube Preamp Suggestions

Looking for suggestions on a used ( because the budget is under 1K, and preferably in the 600-800 range ) tube preamp to match with my new tube amp. I don't use a phono stage, just a line, so a strong phono stage would only be good for possible re-sale. I'm a little concerned about buying something "vintage" and not getting the time in down the road. I'm leaning towards an Audio Research SP9 mkII or a Rogue Perseus which I read a review it was noisy. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks Rich
Juicy Music Peach linestage - on the 'gon right now for 825.
Run, don't walk, this is a no-brainer.
If your amp can take a relatively high out put impedence (3500 ohms) and you want a sound that is on the warm side of neutral but retains resolution and high frequency (consistent with, or exceeding components in its price range) don't overlook the Primaluna 3. I can assure you that it will offer a real sonic alternative to the ARC SP9 or the Rogue.
Joule is a very nice pre but will not be found under $1K (if you can find one at that price, make sure its not hot)! You can do better than the ARC SP-9 since you don't need a phono stage. At the top of your price, you should be able to get a BT VK3i if you want a more neutral sound, or for a bit less and w more of a classic "tube" sound, there are probably a couple of CJ line stages that would be available.