Leave solid state amps on? Or turn off everytime?


My system consists of the following:

Slimdevices Transporter -> Bel Canto REF1000 Mono block amps -> Anthony Gallo Ref3.1 Speakers

I was wondering, should I be switching the Bel Canto amps on/off every time I listen to music? Or should I just leave them on permanently and only switch the transporter on/off (which i do anyways)?

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Recycle every bottle, can, and scrap of paper. Turn off the lights and replace incandescent bulbs with compact fluorescents. Tighten the faucets. Turn off the AC and open the windows. Trade in your SUV for a hybrid. Practice enlightened environmental stewardship -- and, as a reward for your higher consciousness, enjoy the music from the system that you leave ON all the time (except when you hear of an imminent thunderstorm!).