Leave solid state amps on? Or turn off everytime?


My system consists of the following:

Slimdevices Transporter -> Bel Canto REF1000 Mono block amps -> Anthony Gallo Ref3.1 Speakers

I was wondering, should I be switching the Bel Canto amps on/off every time I listen to music? Or should I just leave them on permanently and only switch the transporter on/off (which i do anyways)?

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there seems to be 3 questions here that are getting confused.
The question of the ethics of leaving kit on all the time, in terms of global warming, use of finite fossil fuels, etc etc. Now I am in the camp that says you should take cognisance of that, but I am not lecturing anyone else on this.
Second, does it make a real audible difference? For most kit, is performance really degraded in turn on? I have to say, I am not convinced, but that is just me and my setup.
Third, does kit last longer left on or switched on and Off? As someone else said, I am not qualified to comment, but I suspect it differs from amp to amp
If you guys where really green you would run vintage hi-eff horns off class D;)
I turn my solidstate amp off when I don't use it. (unless I intentionally use it as a heater in Winter)

It is not because I can't afford it.

I'm doing it for my beloved child, and his children ...

FYI, I switched to tubes and part of the reason is the much shorter warm-up time. and Yes, for SS, it takes a long time to warm up and it makes quite a difference.