sweetest sounding ss integrated

Despite my efforts to talk him out of it, a friend of mine is downsizing and simplifying, getting out of tubed separates, and is looking for a ss, or possibly hybrid, integrated that leans towards the euphonic.

Price range: $1500 to $3500 new or used.

Other components: Cambridge 840C, B&W 703s.

Musical preferences: classical, particularly large scale.

the sweetest sounding solid-state amp that i have ever heard is
the red wine audio Signature 30.2. i've owned it for close to a year
now and fell in love with its sweet, spacious, and and emotionally involving
sound within minutes of listening. they come up for sale here on a'gon
once in a whie. this is the one -

unless your friend is looking to really crank it up, i'm sure this amp will
have no problems driving the 703s (arent they 90dB efficient?).

Good luck with your hunt
