what should i keep, shindo or mcintosh

i have two new pre amps, one shindo monbrsion and the other mcintosh c2300 . so what one should i keep.
Dmailer, what speakers are you running? I admit my Devore's are not super high efficiency at 90 dBs, I think that for the Shindo to really shine they need to be paired with higher efficiency speakers. Also, I'm sure your room has better acoustics than mine.
I am currently running Reimer Teton full range speakers 95db (4ohm) with Lamm ML2 amps. The Tetons go deep and tight in the bass. Not sure how the Shindo amps may compare with the Lamms but the Masetto has great dynamics in my system.
the shindo amps are really only for horn blown speakers. they are clean but dont work well with alot of brands. i have demoed with alot of hook ups.
I disagree with your blanket statement that Shindo amps are only for horn speakers. All the amps are tube but some are single ended some are push pull. The 8-10 watt amps do need a fairly efficient speaker but there are many efficient speakers that are not horn speakers. Coincident and Audio Note come to mind. It might be helpful for us to understand where you are coming from if you shared with us the combinations that you have listened to that you didn't like. Also what type of music do you tend to listen to?
McIntosh C2300 will be around long after Shindo. Nothing against Shindo but with this market slowly dieing survival will be tough for the big names, the small ones I really have a hard time buying.

What happens when they are gone who going to repair it? Shindo is getting good reviews but that does not mean success and a long market life.