Pass XA 100.5 vs Lamm M1.2

I like the sound of class A amps. Anyone know how they compare? No nearby dealers. I owned x350.5 and I am familiar with Lamm M2.2 sound.

To be used with 4ohm speaker of 87-90db.

Many thanks
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I think in both cases you will prefer the Class A versions of each manufacturer's lineup. Which of the A/B amps you are familiar with do you prefer? I suspect you would also end up liking the same manufacturer's Class A design over the other. I also suspect that you will love whichever one them you choose - both among the best SS amps available. The Pass XA-30.5 is the best SS amp I have ever heard - but I don't need much current or watts for my speakers.
It's hard to go wrong with the Lamms. They have a sound only a Lamm can give.
These jokes are so bad that they are funny.

Thanks for resussitating the thread.