Pass XA 100.5 vs Lamm M1.2

I like the sound of class A amps. Anyone know how they compare? No nearby dealers. I owned x350.5 and I am familiar with Lamm M2.2 sound.

To be used with 4ohm speaker of 87-90db.

Many thanks
It's hard to go wrong with the Lamms. They have a sound only a Lamm can give.
These jokes are so bad that they are funny.

Thanks for resussitating the thread.
I just bought a pair of the XA100.5, replacing the XA160. My speakers are 87db with a 4-6ohm load like yours. I have never heard the Lamm products. The XA sounds better and more powerful than the XA160 as it doubles in power as impedence is halved. You can read my review of Pass Class A amps on Audiogon for more details/impressions. I have found that one cannot feed my Egglestons too much power and I'm sure they would benefit from more, but the 100.5s are the biggest Pass Class A amps that I can afford. They do sound glorious. I don't really care about the cache part.