Best amp under $6k, in your opinion?

Whats the best amp under 6k that can drive a speaker with 87dB with no dips under 4ohm?
my personal pick(though not for all), symphonic line. otherwise ss classics like mac or classics like arc or cj.....they all still compete with the new kids, and all have 'history' and perceived value. there are lots of great ones that are up there like mccormick, spectral, etc, but if you are looking for the proverbial 'last amp' its hard to beat the classics.
If Tube Research Labs solid state amps are so great, I wonder how their (far more) expensive tube amps stack up?

The Berning is extremely neutral IMO. Some have referred to it as lean. I don't agree with that. In many ways it has the same attributes as an excellent passive premp. The sytem I listened to it in also included a Joule LA-100 MkIII preamp, Cary CDP, and Merlin speakers. The Berning just let the music through.

On the other hand the Moscode has some of the best bass I have ever heard in an amp. In comparison to the Berning it sounds a little meatier and adds a little color, but not much. The Moscode was used with a passive TVC, Ayre CDP, and Spendor speakers.