Looking for a krell preamp

My budget is $1000 and some used krell preamps that I can think of e.g. KCR-2, KSP-7b, HTS 5.0 etc. Can anyone give me a suggestion? I like punching sound though! Thanks!!
I owned a KRC2 that performed really well. Beautiful piece of equipment, quiet as a church mouse, reliable as a brick & stunning performance. I recently sold it here on Agon only to change to a new KCT which matches my FPB-X amp. Otherwise I never would have sold.
Good luck & have fun, John
Thank you for all inputs. Basically, I am not restricted myself to choose Krell preamp. It just happens that I have a Krell poweramp (KSA-80b). Right now, I am using Accuphase preamp C230. However, I still want to get another preamp that can reproduce harder slam and punch sound. Any suggestions? Thanks!
I think you will be disapointed if you purchase a krell as krells don't really have much of a sonic signature. I presently own a krc2 and can tell you that it imparts very little to the recording. If you have a good recording a krell will reproduce it fairly faithfully. On the same note if you use a lousy recording the krell can be brutal. You may consider upgrading whatever source your using first.