how much would you say a good set up cost

ok, we all have gear, but now days, what price do you think you have to spend to have a real good system. not over kill, just good equipment, good sound stage. all around mid to mid high. I'm saying at least 30-35 thousand gets you in that level. I was talking the other day with some friends and we never put a price on our gear. you always get this piece now then that later. but have you ever sat down and figured out just what you paid for your system. I was shocked when i did it.
If your lucky you purchased good stuff before pricing took off...

3k speakers...preamp 800....amp 800..CD player 1500 tuner 1200.......that was 20-30 years ago and it still cuts the mustard.....though some has been re-capped. I have spent 5 figures on tube amps....oh well it's only money.

My advice vintage or used...
Oh yeah, vintage system from 3-4K, they sound very good, maybe a different coloration than todays' one, less transparent and detail freak but somehow more natural. As far as modern design: a used active ATC 100 or 150 or PCM loudspeakers, atc or bryston preamp, apogee dac and teac transport, and you may have better sound than a 100k system.
Maggie MMG's $400
TADAC tube DAC $900
Parasound 2200 $700
AppleTV $330
Outlaw LFT-1 Sub $400
Kimber 4tc/Hero/Toslink $200
PS Audio Quintet $300

Total $3230

That's a very good system I put together for my boss, sounds fantastic by any measure, and it's very easy to use.
I just went over the spreadsheet that I keep to track my Audio (net) spending, and my current set up (excluding the LCD TV monitor) is at $16k, and it's a v good system by any measure.